Masque Publishing
Masque Publishing
Masque Publishing
Masque Publishing
Masque Publishing

Jade Rousseau

How do I install Jade Rousseau - The Secret Revelations?

Insert the disk in the drive and close the door
Normally that will open a window labeled "Autoplay".  Then you click on "Run Setup.exe"
If that window does not open, click on the Start button and then click on Computer (or My Computer)
Right click on the Jade Rousseau: Episode 1 icon and left click on Open
Right click on the Setup file and left click on "Run as Administrator"


How do I start the Jade Rousseau - The Secret Revelations game?

Double click on the Jade Rousseau Episode 1 icon on your desktop


What do I do if the message "Insert disk 1" appears at the end of the installation?

You can either mail the disk to us and ask for a new one, or you can play the game from the CD without installing it.  If you want to do that, open the CD and you will see a file labeled "JadeRousseau".  Double click on that file to start the game.



If you still have questions, send an email to

Masque Publishing